Latest Stories from Research & Investigation Promoted Stories,2015-04-12:/category/environment-green/research-investigation2015-04-12T23:21:15-07:00<![CDATA[CO2 Reshaping the Planet, Meta-Analysis Confirms]]>,2013-09-30:1886902013-09-30T07:50:06-07:00logo

Sep 27 2013 (IPS) Greenland will eventually truly become green as most of its massive ice sheet is destined to melt, the authoritative U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported Friday.]]>
<![CDATA[Auto elettrica. Ecco tutte le offerte arrivate sul mercato. Quanto costano e quanto consumano?]]>,2013-08-30:1789932013-08-30T03:30:02-07:00logo

Sta piano piano diventando realtà. L’auto elettrica ha preso a girare per le strade delle grandi città. Se ne vedono in movimento per Milano ma anche Roma e in altri centri. La novità sta conquistando molti consumatori stufi di vedersi svuotare il portafoglio per il periodico pieno di benzina. Renault Zoe è l’ultimo tra i modelli arrivati ma ci sono anche Peugeot e Nissan sul mercato.]]>
<![CDATA[Think Elephants International Research Reveals How Elephants “See” the World; Designed with NY middle school students, study helps inform better practices for protecting these endangered animals]]>,2013-04-18:1353952013-04-18T08:57:01-07:00logo

The Elephant crisis is at an all time high with more and more demand for ivory taking more and more lives. One of the only ways to change this demand is the change the values. One way to change value is through education. This is the story of how students at East Side Middle School are making a global impact. And, prepping for college by being student scientists that have been published globally.]]>