Latest Stories for Missouri American Promoted Stories,2015-04-13:/organization/,2015-03-16:3645652015-03-16T09:35:07-07:00
Agency aims to reduce the trillion-plus gallons of water lost in
residential leaks
]]>,2015-03-02:3501242015-03-02T09:02:08-08:00Missouri American Water's employee volunteerism program was a finalist for the St. Louis Regional Chamber's Arcus Corporate Citizenship Award, honoring 300+ company volunteers for environmental causes]]>,2014-12-22:3263972014-12-22T13:00:14-08:00Today, Missouri American Water announced the company’s acquisition of the water and sewer systems previously owned by the Anna Meadows Homeowners’ Association, located near Moscow Mills, Mo.]]>,2014-10-02:3064142014-10-02T11:18:15-07:00]]>,2014-08-04:2880192014-08-04T08:10:09-07:00
Individual projects across the state address watershed protection
Missouri American Water MR340 racers will cross Missouri July 8 - 11,
Missouri American Water recommends five easy household steps to
protect local water resources
Acquisition adds approximately 380 new customers in southwest
Grants Available to Community Projects in Service Areas
National award given to fewer than one percent of utilities for
quality at the tap
117 canoes and kayaks race for charity – crossing the finish line
at Jefferson City’s River Rendezvous Music Festival
Acquisition adds approximately 3500 new customers in southwest
Missouri American Water recommends six easy household steps to
preserve local water resources
Energy/Health Forum offers ideas for managing utility bills
Acquisition adds approximately 540 new customers in St. Louis