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What Are The Best Treatments For Acne?

Acne is very common in teenagers due to the huge hormonal changes which they undergo during puberty, but what causes adult acne?

Although acne is very common in teenagers, in fact up to 75% of teenagers are said to experience acne at some point, it’s also common in adults.   Acne is caused when the hair follicles in the skin become blocked, causing white or blackheads, pustules and even cysts.  These are commonly found on the face and neck area, or even on the back and chest.  The spots can be become very sore and great care should be taken not to pick them, as acne can cause permanent scarring. 

Acne is very common in teenagers due to the huge hormonal changes which they undergo during puberty, but what causes adult acne? 

Most commonly, adult acne is often caused by:

  • Consistent, high levels of stress
  • A change in hormone levels, such as when using a birth control pill or during the menopause
  • Some medications

Acne can cause huge stress for the sufferer, which in turn can make the symptoms worse.  But what is the best way to treat acne?  Initially, self-help is useful. 

Following these basic techniques may also help:

  • Wash the affected area twice a day using a gentle face cloth with a mild soap or cleanser.  Rinse with warm water, as cold or very hot water can irritate the skin.
  • Wear only light make up, and ensure it is removed thoroughly before bed.
  • Try to keep the hair away from the face, as fringes can aid in the spreading of spots

There are times when the above steps just aren’t sufficient in preventing spots from spreading.  It may be worth visiting the GP who can prescribe some prescription medications – just bear in mind that it can take up to three months for the treatments to begin to work.

Of course, there are other treatments for acne which are available for sufferers to try.  DANNÉ have developed a paramedical treatment which aims to remove, rebuild, protect and maintain the skin, and helps to educate those people undergoing the treatment on how to manage their condition.   Skin specialists from clinics within Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas can work with patients to help to treat their acne using the DANNÉ method, to help them to achieve much smoother and clearer skin.

Acne can also cause unsightly scarring, particularly on people who may have experienced very severe acne, or if perhaps they may have regularly squeezed the spots.  Laser treatments for acne is highly effective at removing the scars which are often left by mild to moderate acne.  There are two types of laser treatment:

  • Ablative laser treatment where lasers help to remove a very small patch of skin around the existing scar to reveal a new and therefore smooth area of skin
  • Non-ablative laser treatment in which lasers are used to stimulate the growth of new collagen.  This helps to improve the appearance of the skin

There is no real cure for acne, as each person is individual and will have different reasons for experiencing it.  However, there are some highly effective treatments available which can help to manage the symptoms, and which can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scarring.

To find out more treatments for acne or how to reduce the appearance of acne scars, take a look at the Beau Synergy website.  

There is no real cure for acne, however there are some highly effective treatments available which can help to manage the symptoms, and which can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scarring.
Tags: Best Way To Treat Acne, Acne Treatments, Best Treatments For Acne, Treatments For Acne