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New OTC Event, d5, to Spark Industry-Wide Creativity and Innovation

d5 announces confirmed speakers and preview webcast to introduce inaugural event

(Business Wire The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) announced the final line-up of nine speakers for its new event, d5, which will debut on Friday, 8 May 2015, the day following OTC 2015, at the University of Houston.

Themed “The Next Big Thing,” d5 will be unlike any other offshore energy industry event. It will bring together the most creative professionals from inside and outside the industry to create an environment of innovation and inspiration to address the industry’s biggest current and future challenges.

Motivational speakers and group discussions will spur creativity to help identify the next big step for the offshore energy industry, in the way of technology game changers, leadership practices and competitive advantages.

The confirmed speakers for d5 are:

  • Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, world-renown political scientist and author of the best-selling book, The Skeptical Environmentalist
  • Jane McGonigal, a leading speaker on the engagement economy and the application of game-design to the real world as well as the author of Reality Is Broken: How Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change The World, a New York Times bestseller
  • Mike Abrashoff, former Commander of the USS Benfold, a Naval war ship
  • Michael Bloomfield, former NASA astronaut and ex-officio member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board
  • Frans Johansson, an author, entrepreneur and consultant who has written books about how great ideas happen and business strategies
  • Lisa Bodell, futurethink founder, globally recognized innovation leader, futurist and author
  • Juan Enriquez, one of the world’s leading authorities on the uses and benefits of genomic research
  • Avi Reichental, president and CEO of 3D Systems, the global 3D content-to-print leader
  • Michael Porter, Harvard professor and leading authority on competitive strategies for corporations and nations

In addition, OTC will host a preview webcast to formally introduce the inaugural d5 event and inform potential attendees about what the conference is on Tuesday, 31 March at 10 a.m. (CDT). Hosted by d5 advisory board and committee leaders including Helge Hove Haldorsen, Steve Balint and Art Schroeder, the webcast will be open to the public and will include brief presentations as well as a Q&A session.

“For more than 45 years, OTC has helped industry professionals connect the dots—offering technical knowledge they can immediately apply to their jobs,” explains Balint, d5 Advisory Board chairman. “At d5, we won’t provide the connections. We will provide the dots, and attendees will be challenged with finding ways to creatively deconstruct the industry.”

“Technology is changing so fast outside of our industry,” adds Schroeder, d5 Program Committee chairman. “We’re trying to get some of that speed injected into our industry.”

The event will also offer opportunities to connect with thought leaders and experts from non-energy industries to expand business networks.

Registration is now open for d5. For more information about attending and the preview webcast, visit


The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Founded in 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually in Houston. OTC has expanded technically and globally with the Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil, and OTC Asia. For more information, visit